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guided wave radar level meter
guided wave radar level meter
guided wave radar level meter
guided wave radar level meter
guided wave radar level meter
guided wave radar level meter
guided wave radar level meter
guided wave radar level meter
The MUL3 series guided wave radar level meter adopts TDR echo detection technology to continuously measure the distance of the liquid or solid surface and convert it into a level value. Not affected by changes in process conditions such as density, conductivity, temperature, pressure and air humidity.
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  • 典型應用

    Not affected by changes in process conditions such as temperature, pressure, density, etc.

    No moving parts, no need to recalibrate, less maintenance

    Can deal with interference caused by steam, dust, turbulence and foam

    Suitable for small storage tanks, storage tanks with complex geometries, and obstacles in the tank

    Various materials, process connections, probe types and accessories are available

    There are a variety of antenna structures to adapt to different installation conditions and equipment

    With echo curve display function, visual diagnosis, convenient for on-site debugging through four buttons



Copyright 2013 BEIJING MASTER METERS CO.,LTD 京ICP備07028827號-1
Address: 700 meters to the north of the Beifang the villagers committee,Yancun town, FangShan District, Beijing / Tel:0086-10-81522280/84858894/81522236
Fox:0086-10-84859894 / Web: Http://vuyvmckszb.xyz / E-mail:cbmaster@163.com
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