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Air blowing level gauge
Air blowing level gauge
Air blowing level gauge
Air blowing level gauge
Air blowing level gauge
Air blowing level gauge
The MLC air blowing level gauge is essentially a differential pressure level meter. By blowing air into the pressure pipe, the differential pressure transmitter is isolated from the medium, which also isolates dangerous sources such as corrosion, high temperature, and radioactivity. No fear of clogging of media such as high-viscosity polymers and dirty crystals
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    Positive pressure pipe, isolation and anti-blocking

    Equipped with high-quality transmitters such as Emerson or Yokogawa

    Optional single-channel or dual-channel MFC1 series purging device, stable and reliable

    Temperature resistance up to 800℃

    Medium viscosity up to 5000cP

    The user can also configure the pressure piping

    Can be maintained while the gauge is running.

Copyright 2013 BEIJING MASTER METERS CO.,LTD 京ICP備07028827號-1
Address: 700 meters to the north of the Beifang the villagers committee,Yancun town, FangShan District, Beijing / Tel:0086-10-81522280/84858894/81522236
Fox:0086-10-84859894 / Web: Http://vuyvmckszb.xyz / E-mail:cbmaster@163.com
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